There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle......
The other is as though everything is a miracle.

~Albert Einstein~


These are my 3 youngest children.....Maya, Sam and Denaye. This is their official seating arrangement at the table. Sam is always inbetween the girls. I have been waiting for the novelty of having girls around to wear hasn't and I am so glad. Sam takes his big brother role very serious and is always hugging and looking out for the girls....especially Maya when they are at school.
They are having bagels for breakfast....a favorite for all of them. Maya is always getting after, eat , eat she yells at him and then often she will gently swat him on the head. Sam doesn't seem to mind.....I am not sure why, but he just eats.


  1. Anonymous said...
    so cute! How lucky the girls are to have so many big brothers to look out for them!
    LISA said...
    That is so cute!

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