There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle......
The other is as though everything is a miracle.

~Albert Einstein~


Rod put together a little video of life since the girls have come home.....


  1. Anonymous said...
    fabulous! I didn't want it to end! Thanks Rod!
    Rebecca said...
    too cute!! they look like they've always been part of your family! and, your boys look like they just love the girls. so fun!!
    Lisa said...
    That was so beautiful, Debbie and Rod! What a georgous happy bunch you guys are! Thanks for sharing!

    The Turgeon Expansion said...
    That was so nice! I assume the girls will be on Dancing with the Stars next season?!

    Anonymous said...
    Love it, love it, love it! I especially enjoyed the dancing sequence! The girls look so happy!
    Is Eight Enough? said...
    Thank you for visiting my blog and for praying for us!! We can surely use it! Your video is beautiful and I think how your little one, Sam, has embraced the girls is precious!! I have seen your blog before and was watching your journey and to see his love for his sisters is just the greatest! Our boys are all SO looking forward to sisters! They have been waiting for nearly 15 years!

    Also, I like your post entry: Eight Is Enough, because we had already chosen to rename our blog (once the girls are home) as Is Eight Enough? (reminiscent of the old tv show!)

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