There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle......
The other is as though everything is a miracle.

~Albert Einstein~


Maya is Cinderella

Denaye is Snow White

Sam is Spiderman/Venom

The girls had no idea what we were doing. When they saw other kids dressed up they just started to giggle. They thought it was so funny that all of these kids (themselves included) were walking around the neighbourhood in costumes!! They caught on very quickly to how it all works.....even though neither one of them are a big fan of candy they were intrigued by the whole thing. Sam kept trying to explain to them the drill and how it works. We went over to our church later where they had games and jumping things for them to jump on. They had a lot of fun. Their first Halloween was a success and next year I bet they'll like candy!!


  1. Anonymous said...
    They look great! Tinsae totally didn't get it either, I basically tricked him into dressing up but after the first house he was on board. He doesn't even like candy, he just liked the costumes and running around.

    LISA said...
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