There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle......
The other is as though everything is a miracle.

~Albert Einstein~


Yesterday Maya came flying into the house screaming......I thought someone was hurt. She was so excited because the kids discovered that our raspberries were ripe enough to pick and of course eat. The funny thing is that Maya has never had a raspberry before. She just got so caught up in the excitement of it all that she went crazy with excitement. She ate her first raspberry and delcared 'it was good'. Denaye on the other hand had much more fun picking then eating....although she did have her share and the evidence is all over her clothes. We had several neighbourhood children enjoying the they are waiting for the next batch to ripen!!!


  1. Anonymous said...
    That's so sweet. There's still so many "firsts" left to experience, isn't there.

    The Turgeon Expansion said...
    Great pictures of the girls, they look so excited, I love it!


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