There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle......
The other is as though everything is a miracle.

~Albert Einstein~


Today is one of those days that will forever change our lives. I knew the second I heard we had a referral that there wasn't any question we were going to accept the girls as our own. Alberta Children's Services, however, wanted us to think about it. If I could have signed the document myself I would have. So we thought about it for 2 seconds and just knew in our hearts that these precious girls belong in our family. So today we formally signed the document that says "yes we will accept these girls as our referral". The lady at children's services told Rod that when I went into the office last thursday to get the referral, I was vibrating. I was so excited I didn't know what to do. Now the journey of more paperwork begins.....immigration stuff.....
We hope and pray this next process is short. Now that I've seen their little faces I just want them home! I can't say how much we appreciate the prayers and support of friends and family. Thank you, it means more then you know. We have officially started the next phase of the journey.....please pray it goes smoothly and QUICKLY!!!!



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