We got THE CALL!
8 years ago
It has been snowing for 3 days........this is unbelievable. We have more snow now then we had during the winter. It finally stopped about 2 hours ago. Maya is totally disgusted with the snow and has commanded me to go outside and make the snow go away!! I wish it was that simple. The pictures below were taken on april 22, 2008.......it's supposed to be spring. Last week we were in sandals and capris and this week, well look for yourself!! I have seen it snow many times in Alberta in April and even in May, but I have not seen it last this long. The weather is expected to stay cold for at least another 2-3 days. We have been shovelling for 3 days now.....only in Alberta!!!!!!!!!!!
Great pics,
Love Renée
It broke one hundred year temperature lows and I wish I could command it away too.
Our snow has melted and I have started a Capri revolt. I'm wearing my Capri's and short sleeves until it feels like Spring again. ;0)