There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle......
The other is as though everything is a miracle.

~Albert Einstein~

Rob and Tracy are good friends of ours. We go to the same church......they just got back from Ethiopia where they picked up their children. They are brand new parents to 3 wondeful little kids. Yesterday we invited them over for lunch so we could finally meet the Dunham kids. It has been a long process for them with a few bumps along the way, but that is all behind them now. Our girls were so excited to meet them. They took to each other right away. Maya asked me why Ruth ( the oldest one) speaks like that ( a different language) sure didn't take long for Maya to forget her language. I am amazed that she only remembers a few words. Watching the Dunham kids was really interesting for me to see how far our girls have come.....and how well they have adjusted to life in Canada. It won't take long for Rob and Tracy's kids to adjust either. They are already speaking some words in english and they understand a lot of what you are saying. We are so happy for all of them and so glad they are all home safe and sound. God is good!!! To read about their journey click on the link. Malachi.....really focused on his potato salad

Kyle and Shay enjoying corn on the cob

Ruthie, Maya, Denaye and Sam

4 little princesses's

Rob, Tracy, Shay, Malachi and Ruthie
Welcome to Canada Dunham children.....were glad you're home!!!


  1. The Dunham Family of 5 said...
    Yipee!! And thanks for the cake!
    (Oh yeah, and can you send me these pics??)

    Love you Kurtz's!!!
    Tracy & the Crew
    The Turgeon Expansion said...
    Love the princess picture :) Looks like the kids have great fun!!

    Anonymous said...
    I'm so glad to see the Dunhams all together! It's nice for your girls to have aother connection to Ethiopia too.

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