There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle......
The other is as though everything is a miracle.

~Albert Einstein~


I just learned today that an Adoption Agency in Canada has gone bankrupt today. They facilitate International adoptions....most of them from Ethiopia. There are 400 families grieving today who do not know what the future holds for them or their kids. Many of them were just waiting for Visa's to be approved so they could go and pick up their kids, some had just received their referral and other's were still waiting for a referral. Many hearts are broken tonight.....words can't begin to express how sad this is. These families are scared and I think also of the workers who are right now caring for the kids over in Ethiopia and how terrifed they all must be. Please pray for these families and pray for the children over in Ethiopia who have already had their lives disrupted and now it appears it may happen again. Please pray...these families are hurting tonight...many of them feel their dreams have been taken from them.....please pray!!!!!!!!!

1 Comment:

  1. hazel said...
    Well said, Debbie.

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