There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle......
The other is as though everything is a miracle.

~Albert Einstein~


In an effort to help get donations for the Cafac Foster Home in Ethiopia, my sister Jody, was able to get the school our kids go to onboard. There is a newsletter going out this week with an article about her efforts and she is also placing a Donation box in the front entrance to the school. I am really hoping that there is a really good response. Each classroom will receive the letter from my sister and it will be read by their teacher. It is so great to see what can be done when you put some thought and a little bit of effort into it. I thank the school and the teachers for being willing to do this. Jody and I made a donation box today, well actually Jody did all the work, I just glued and taped. It turned out quite well! Thanks again Jody for doing this.....I pray it is a huge success.


Zack, Sam, Emily and Jody with the finished product.


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